Many people place a high value on sports. Sports can be a source of personal and economic development by allowing people to improve their physical fitness, teamwork, leadership, and other important life skills. Previously, we did not provide a lot of sports vocabulary, but that will now change. The first of these exercises is available below (the next ones will be available in a few weeks). We hope you will be able to use the words in them when conversing with your French-speaking friends.
Des sports
8. badminton
6. baseball
11. basket-ball
14. boxe
7. course à pied
16. cyclisme
9. équitation
1. escrime
18. football
3. lutte
15. natation
13. patinage artistique
5. ski
4. tennis
17. tennis de table
2. tir à l'arc
10. volley-ball
12. water-polo