June 20, 2023

Animals : A Word Search Puzzle for Spanish Learners

I have created a word search puzzle for you to help you practice animal vocabulary in Spanish. One of the primary advantages of word search puzzles is their ability to enhance word recognition and visual scanning skills. As you search for animal-related words within the grid, your brain actively processes and identifies familiar patterns and sequences of letters. This cognitive exercise strengthens your ability to quickly identify and recognize words, ultimately improving your overall reading and language comprehension. So let's begin!


Find the below words in the grid. They can be found horizontally from left to right, vertically from top to bottom, and diagonally also from top to bottom.

canguro, cebra, cocodrilo, corzo, delfín
elefante, guepardo, jabalí, jirafa, koala
león, lobo, mono, oso, panda, pingüino, 
rinoceronte, tigre, tortuga, zorro

Animals : A Word Search Puzzle for Spanish Learners


canguro kangaroo
cebra zebra
cocodrilo crocodile
corzo roe
delfín dolphin
elefante elephant
guepardo cheetah
jabalí boar
jirafa giraffe
koala koala
león lion
lobo wolf
mono monkey
oso bear
panda panda
pingüino penguin
rinoceronte rhinoceros
tigre tiger
tortuga turtle
zorro fox

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Discover more puzzles in my book

Crosswords for learning Spanish: 50 crossword puzzles : 
Clues in English, answers in Spanish

Crosswords for Spanish Learners