Showing posts with label German. Show all posts
Showing posts with label German. Show all posts

May 03, 2023

Fruits: A Matching Exercise for German Learners

Our latest blog post features a matching exercise designed for German language learners. Not only are matching exercises fun, but they're also an easy way to expand your vocabulary. In this exercise, you'll have colorful pictures of fruits with their corresponding names. Your task is to match them. Let's begin and see how many fruit names you can recognize! 

April 19, 2023

Animals : A Word Scramble Puzzle for German Learners

Here are 12 pictures of various animals along with a list of their names. Your task is to match them correctly. However, the task is made more difficult by the names being mixed up. You must first unjumble the words in order to succeed. Although the answer is provided at the end of this article, I urge you to try without looking.

April 05, 2023

Animals : A Crossword Puzzle for German Learners

Welcome to our new blog post, where we have an entertaining and simple crossword puzzle for German learners! This crossword will test your vocabulary of animals. Get ready to fill in the blanks with the names of these amazing creatures!

March 22, 2023

Kitchen vocabulary for German Learners : A Matching Puzzle

A matching game about German kitchen appliances is provided in this blog post so that you can practice your German. The game is simple but challenging: you have to match the names of the kitchen appliances in German with their pictures. If you find the puzzle to be too difficult, scroll down to the bottom of this entry to find the vocabulary as usual.

March 08, 2023

Positive Feelings, Positive Personal Traits: A Puzzle for German Learners

Positive quote

Challenge yourself with this fun word search! Look for all the German words related to positive feelings or positive personal traits and list them below the grid in alphabetical order. To help you out, we’ve provided the first letter of each word. If you need more assistance, scroll to the bottom of this article for the words hidden in the grid. Good luck!

February 22, 2023

Daily Routine: Missing Letters in German Sentences

Below are 15 pictures and 15 German sentences that depict people going about their daily lives. The words do not contain all of the letters, though. After filling in the missing letters, the sentences and corresponding images must be matched.

If you find the exercise to be too difficult, you can always find the answer at the bottom of this blog post.

February 08, 2023

Numbers in German: A Word Search Puzzle

Already, we had a number-related puzzle a few weeks ago. If you want to solve the Numbers in German : A Crossword Puzzle as well, click on the link.

This time, however, I've brought you a word search puzzle, but we will continue the number-related theme. Find the words in the grid that correspond to the numbers, which are located directly below the grid.

Words can be found in the grid in every direction, that is, horizontally from left to right and from right to left, vertically from top to bottom and from bottom to top, and diagonally in every thinkable direction. 

January 25, 2023

Vegetables: A Matching Exercise for German Learners


Below are 25 images of various vegetables along with a list of their names. Your task is to match them. I sincerely hope that you won't find this puzzle to be too challenging, but if you do, you can always look at the solution, which is provided at the end of this blog post.

I released a word search game with a vegetable theme a few weeks back. The puzzle for today uses all of those words (as well as a few more), so you have the chance to review them.

You can find that puzzle below if you'd like to solve it as well:

Gemüse : Eine Wortsuche

January 11, 2023

Missing Letters in German Words


Look at the illustrations, then complete the gaps in the words. Just a heads up: The length of the underline symbol does not match the number of letters missing from the words. You will probably find this exercise to be quite simple, but if not, simply scroll down to the bottom of this blog post to find the answers.

December 28, 2022

Numbers in German : A Crossword Puzzle


Are you familiar with German numbers? If so, you can solve the crossword puzzle below with ease. Just do the math and write the solution into the squares. However, if you are unsure about something, just scroll down to the end of this blog post to find the answer.

December 14, 2022

House objects : A Word Search Puzzle for German Learners


A word search puzzle and images of various objects are provided below. You must locate the picture's words in the grid and then match them up with the corresponding images. I wish you much success in solving this double puzzle.

November 30, 2022

School vocabulary in German : A Word Scramble Puzzle


School vocab in German

Below, you'll discover a large number of German words that have been mixed up. They are all related to schools. Your task is to decipher the letters and write them down in the correct order. Don't worry if you get stuck. As usual, the list of solutions follows this entry.

November 16, 2022

Was machen sie? : A Crossword Puzzle with visual hints


Drinking coffee

Below is a crossword puzzle as well as a list of visual hints. The squares must be filled in with the proper verb forms. I hope the exercise isn't too difficult, but if it is, simply scroll down to the vocabulary section where you can find assistance as usual.

November 02, 2022

Deutsche Autoren : A Word Cloud



Below you will find the names of 19 writers. They are all German-language authors. Your task is to extract from the word cloud the title of one of their well-known works. Although the task shouldn't be too difficult, I'll leave you with the solution at the end of this post, just in case. But first, try to solve the puzzle on your own.

October 19, 2022

Bird Names in German : A Matching Exercise


A small bird

Below is a list of 20 different bird names and a picture of each bird. Your task is to match the names with the pictures. If you find this exercise to be too challenging, scroll down to the vocabulary section where you will find the English equivalents of the German bird names. I hope you'll have fun solving this puzzle.

October 05, 2022

Gemüse : Eine Wortsuche


Rote Beete / beetroot

Find the following words in the grid below:

Artischocke, Spargel, Bohnen, Rote Beete, Paprika
Brokkoli, Rosenkohl, Kohl, Karotte, Blumenkohl
Sellerie, Mais, Gurke, Aubergine, Fenchel
Knoblauch, Ingwer, Frühlingszwiebel

September 21, 2022

Professions / Berufe : A Word Scramble and a Quiz for German Learners


Two weeks ago, I published a word-matching exercise featuring German words associated with professions. With two new exercises—a word scramble and a quiz—you now have the chance to review those words.

Painter / Maler

The word scramble

With the help of their German equivalents, unscramble the English words.

NERTPTERIER --- Dolmetscher, Dolmetscherin

CRRYBEAIKL --- Maurer, Maurerin

CTEEHAR --- Lehrer, Lehrerin

September 07, 2022

Berufe: A Matching Exercise for German Learners


I made a matching exercise for you with German job vocabulary. I hope you will find it useful. If you feel lost, don't panic. You can always look up a word in a disctionary or just simply scroll down to the list of vocabulary where I give you the article of the words, the genitive, and plural ending, too. But first try to solve the puzzle without any additional help.

August 24, 2022

Geographie : A German word scramble puzzle for DAF students


Geography words in German

The word scramble below is more difficult than the puzzles usually posted in this blog. Its level is around B2 or C1, but it is doable. If it is too difficult for you, scroll down to the vocabulary section where you will find the English translation of the words.  

August 10, 2022

Gegensätze ziehn sich an -- A Word Search Puzzle with German Words

Opposite words in German

The spiral below contains fifteen German words; however, the list of words beneath the spiral contains fifteen plus one. Your task is to locate the antonyms in the spiral and mark the appropriate words next to their corresponding opposites. The word in the spiral without an antonym is the solution.

A Word Search Puzzle for German learners

*   *   *

Discover more puzzles in my book, which was revised and republished in June 2023:

The book is available in (almost) every Amazon store; 
here are a few links where you can buy it: