March 22, 2023

Kitchen vocabulary for German Learners : A Matching Puzzle

A matching game about German kitchen appliances is provided in this blog post so that you can practice your German. The game is simple but challenging: you have to match the names of the kitchen appliances in German with their pictures. If you find the puzzle to be too difficult, scroll down to the bottom of this entry to find the vocabulary as usual.


Kitchen vocabulary in German


bowl die Schüssel, -n
cup die Tasse, -n
fork die Gabel, -n
fridge der Kühlschrank, Kühlschränke
frying pan die Bratpfanne, -n
glass das Glas, Gläser
knife das Messer, Messer
microwave die Mikrowelle, -n
plate der Teller, Teller
pot der Topf, Töpfe
sink das Spülbecken, Spülbecken
spoon der Löffel, Löffel
stove das Herd, Herde
teapot die Teekanne, -n

 *   *   *

Discover more puzzles in my book, which was revised and republished in June 2023:

The book is available in (almost) every Amazon store. 

Just a couple of links where you can buy it: