In this blog post, you will find an entertaining and simple crossword puzzle about animals. The puzzle was made especially for Spanish language learners. This crossword will put your vocabulary to the test, but I hope you won't find it too difficult. Print the puzzle, then get ready to fill in the blanks with some of your favorite animals' names!
5 dolphin
7 rhino
9 tiger
10 penguin
11 wolf
12 giraffe
13 koala
15 zebra
17 bear
1 crocodile
2 monkey
3 turtle
4 cheetah
6 elephant
8 kangaroo
10 panda
12 boar
13 roe deer
14 lion
16 fox
5 delfín
7 rinoceronte
9 tigre
10 pengüino
11 lobo
12 jirafa
13 coala
15 cebra
17 oso
1 cocodrilo
2 mono
3 tortuga
4 guepardo
6 elefante
8 canguro
10 panda
12 jabalí
13 corzo
14 león
16 zorro
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Discover more puzzles in my book
Crosswords for learning Spanish: 50 crossword puzzles :
Clues in English, answers in Spanish