March 08, 2023

Positive Feelings, Positive Personal Traits: A Puzzle for German Learners

Positive quote

Challenge yourself with this fun word search! Look for all the German words related to positive feelings or positive personal traits and list them below the grid in alphabetical order. To help you out, we’ve provided the first letter of each word. If you need more assistance, scroll to the bottom of this article for the words hidden in the grid. Good luck!



A______, A______, A______, B______

D______, E______, E______, F______

F______, G______, G______, 

G______, G______, K______, L______

M______, M______, O______, R______

S______, S______, V______

V______, W______


Anmut, Aufgeschlossenheit, ,Ausdauer, Bescheidenheit

Dankbarkeit, Ehrlichkeit, Empathie, Freude

Freundlichkeit, Geduld, Gelassenheit, 

Großzügigkeit, Güte, Kreativität, Liebe

Mitgefühl, Mut, Optimismus, Respekt

Selbstdisziplin, Selbstvertrauen, Vergebung

Vitalität, Weisheit

 *   *   *

Discover more puzzles in my book, which was revised and republished in June 2023:

The book is available in (almost) every Amazon store. 

Just a couple of links where you can buy it: