I have made a word search puzzle for you to help you practice animal vocabulary in French. For many reasons, word search puzzles are extremely well-liked and frequently used as fun educational resources. They are not only enjoyable and entertaining, but they also have a lot of advantages for cognitive growth and language learning. So let's begin working on this puzzle!
Les animaux
Find the below words in the grid. They can be found horizontally from left to right, vertically from top to bottom, and diagonally also from top to bottom.
chevreuil, crocodile, dauphin, éléphant, girafe
guépard, kangourou, koala, lion, loup
manchot, ours, panda, renard, rhinocéros
sanglier, singe, tigre, tortue, zèbre
chevreuil -- roe
crocodile -- crocodile
dauphin -- dolphin
éléphant -- elephant
girafe -- giraffe
guépard -- cheetah
kangourou -- kangaroo
koala -- koala
lion -- lion
loup -- wolf
manchot -- penguin
ours -- bear
panda -- panda
renard -- fox
rhinocéros -- rhinoceros
sanglier -- boar
singe -- monkey
tigre -- tiger
tortue -- turtle
zèbre -- zebra
crocodile -- crocodile
dauphin -- dolphin
éléphant -- elephant
girafe -- giraffe
guépard -- cheetah
kangourou -- kangaroo
koala -- koala
lion -- lion
loup -- wolf
manchot -- penguin
ours -- bear
panda -- panda
renard -- fox
rhinocéros -- rhinoceros
sanglier -- boar
singe -- monkey
tigre -- tiger
tortue -- turtle
zèbre -- zebra
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