July 18, 2023

Summer : A Matching Exercise for Spanish Learners

Dive into our delightful summer matching exercise! The task is simple yet engaging - match 15 beautiful summer-themed images to their corresponding words. This is a perfect way to keep your language skills sharp while daydreaming of sunshine and blue skies.


Summer : A Matching Exercise for Spanish Learners


cámping = camping
castillo de arena = sandcastle
gafas de sol = sunglasses
hamaca = hammock
helado = ice cream
limonada = lemonade
nadar = to swim
ola de calor = heat wave
picnic = picnic
piscina = pool
playa = beach
sandalia = sandal
sandía = watermelon
sol = sun
viaje = travel

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Discover more puzzles in my book

Crosswords for learning Spanish: 50 crossword puzzles : 
Clues in English, answers in Spanish

Crosswords for Spanish Learners